Wednesday, May 30, 2007

This is Really Pathetic!

I've not done any tactics in a while. Things keep popping up (kids sick or I'm sick or work-related stuff) or I end up playing on FICS rather than studying tactics.

Additionally, I feel that I will never really be satisfied with my tactical studies and that they might continue for years and years (as they should).

So I've come to a realization that I need to find a way to end this quest while at the same time save my face. I've decided to end my quest at the 500 mark rather than the 1039 mark. I am going to do 4 circles in 10 days and then call this quest complete. Some of you may remember a Knight Errant by the name of Smith-Morra who did 500 tactics in 30 days. I'm essentially going to follow his schedule from Circle 2 to Circle 5.

Another reason to do this is that my family and I will be going on a long vacation in June. I will arrive back home at the end of the month while my dear wife will stay with her parents for a few additional weeks. When I come back home, I'm going to use all that extra time on my hands to finish this quest.

More importantly, yet another reason to cut this quest short is because some major career events are on the immediate horizon which will disrupt my schedule considerably. If I don't finish now, I will perhaps never finish any sort of tactical quest.

Maybe if I complete this quest, I might find courage to work on another 500 tactics. But for now I feel I need to come to a conclusion with this tactical quest.

So look for me to post again at the end of June and then hopefully my quest will end sometime in the middle of July.


Blue Devil Knight said...

Ahhh, life and chess. It's hard to do the full blown circles.

hisbestfriend said...

I feel for you man.

I don't know if you do PCT. But it tends to be more self contained. It is easier to just do a unit when you get a chance. Then you are moving forward, as you can.

And even if you can't do tactics, play some chess from time to time. That was the point, right? Have fun!

Chess Teacher said...

Success with your quest and let's hope that you can say you've enjoyed it as soon as you have finished it.

Chess Teaching

Phil Willis said...

I actually agree with your approach.

I think the problems start getting way too hard by about level 40 or 50.

It could be that even knowing the first 500 problems "cold" is extremely useful in having the ability to see tactics "jump out" during games.

I've done much the same approach. I completed a seven circles on a set of fairly basic tactics by John Bain, and now I'm doing the same with a book by Lou Hays with 534 problems in it.

Good luck with the seven circles of 500!